My natural cure  for Gout

I discovered a natural lifestyle hack that allows me to drink beer, eat prawns and tomatoes and have no gout in my system, ever again.

Having spent years outrageously eating and drinking at fat boy lunches and afternoon 'client meetings', the side effects I suffered were mainly from severe gout flare ups. I never got a hangover, so my genes were helpful there, but they let me down with the gout.

I was told early on in my career, that it is one of the side effects of being a broker. My expense account allowed me to basically eat and drink like a king, for the next 30 odd years.

There were times when I couldn't walk because of the pain in my big left toe and other times that I couldn't lift my right arm high enough, to even wash my hair. This was usually after I had been on a long drive and my arms were in the same position for a long length of time.

In fact, in 2022 I was hospitalised, after my left big toe blew up so bad, that I had to drive myself to hospital at 3.00am because of the pain I was in. The week before, I had been put on a drip for sepsis and this caused my gout to go into overdrive.

I will save you the details but it took two nurses to physically squeeze out the uric acid crystals for over an hour whilst I winced in agony.

Today though, I am gout free and am on no medication and continue to drink beer (Coopers Red Sparkling is my fav tipple and it is fully fermented in the bottle, yeast and all). I can eat prawns, tomatoes and mushrooms, drink red wine and drink beer, without any gout symptoms appearing.

'Gout' out of here I will here you shout but it is true!

After 40 years of playing hard, I finally got rid of my gout naturally.

I spent years searching and it was only after I went on a tropical island holiday and forgot my daily medication that I discovered, via my holiday food intake, that I was able to ditch my daily medication and drink beer without any 'middle of the night agony', side effects.  

At one stage, in my life I got gout in my back so bad, that I couldn't move for 4 days. It felt like bone on bone and I really thought I was going to be bed ridden for the rest of my life. (I exaggerate but you have to remember that for 45 years, I had had the softest hands and had lived a far from normal fantasy life, bordering on the rock star regime of keep fit and nutrition). 

We never did drugs though, only alcohol (but the finest you could buy).

To discover my greatest tip to man and woman kind, it will cost you 20 quid (that's £20 pounds) and it just may be the best £20 pound note that you have ever spent. 

I would have given thousands for this bit of knowledge, at the height of my career, as this and stress were just things that were all part of the 'job' and you were just expected to get on with it. At one point, I had two mobile phones and a pager as my weapons of choice and was on call 24 hours a day.